Meet Bevolution Creator in Bev Grantee Ana Alexandra

Women invented beer. And that’s exactly what beer professional and advocate Ana Alexandra wants the world to know. Her mission is to create a documentary on the history of women in beer while spotlighting those of today mashing the beer patriarchy. After bartending and working for a distributor, Alexandra became fascinated by the history of women in beer, which inspired her to start carving her own path within the industry. Her dedication to the craft doesn’t go unnoticed if you follow Alexandra on social media or have met her in person. She’s using her voice and platform to elevate other women’s stories within the industry. During the craft beer #MeToo movement ignited by Brienne Allan, brewer and owner of Sacred Profane Brewing, Alexandra became more aware of how she wasn’t alone in terms of being a victim of gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault within the brewing industry. After opening up more about her experiences, it was clear to her that it was time to fight for a better beer world. 

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Pronouns: She/her/They

Ethnicity: Columbian 

Homebase: Charleston, South Carolina 

Instagram: @WomenInventedBeer 

Tell us about your journey in beer:

I was working in the accounting office for a big distributor in 2014 after years behind the bar, I happened to read a fact about witches and beer. This fact triggered a hyper-obsession that got me to start diving into learning and educating myself on a subject like never before. I found the chemistry fascinating. Beer’s ability to be paired with food made so much more sense on a tasting level than it ever did with wine. Plus, women seemed to have a hand in it, which was badass.

My years in beer have not been easy. I could write a novel about the horrors I’ve both experienced and seen during my career. I tried to condense it a bit and truthfully was overcome with grief and emotion. I’m never shy to speak of all I’ve endured, but seeing it all in the written word is still difficult for me. How can pursuing a passion result in nearly 10 years of trauma including sexual harassment, sexual assault, mental abuse, gaslighting, body shaming, wage theft, and intimidation?

Craft Beer’s #MeToo movement spurred by Brienne Allan really did a number on me. Reading the hundreds of stories triggered experiences and traumas that I had buried deep inside, and told no one about. Not only that, but I realized how heartbreakingly similar my stories were to many others. I realized I was not alone. I began to unpack everything with my (very gifted) therapist, and I vowed to advocate and fight for the movement.

I never, ever want any woman to have to put up with a fraction of what I’ve had thrown at me, in this or any industry. It’s no secret that the movement has slowed. I truly believe that once consumers realize what is happening behind the scenes of their favorite breweries, they will demand more safety, representation, and accountability. We can scream, tell our stories, and brew as many beers as we want for this movement- but until the people paying the breweries’ bills give a damn about change, the bevolution will continue to hit plateaus.

How did you get into brewing? What inspired you to do so?

I was working at a beer distributor in the accounting office. A perk of the job was access to beer education. It was a combination of taking a beer and food course and learning the involvement of women and witches in beer history that lit the match to renew my thirst for education.

What is something you’re proud of in your craft beer journey so far?

I’m proud that I’m still here.

“I, along with a friend who is a filmmaker, am producing a long-form documentary film on women in beer, the history of women in beer, and the craft beer #MeToo movement. We aim to tell the stories of women’s true experiences in the industry, and better understand what steps can be taken to diversify the industry and get back to the roots of community.”

How will you use this grant opportunity to further your craft beer journey?

I, along with a friend who is a filmmaker, am producing a long-form documentary film on women in beer, the history of women in beer, and the craft beer #MeToo movement spurred last year by female brewmaster, Brienne Allan. We aim to tell the stories of women’s true experiences in the industry, and better understand what steps can be taken to diversify the industry and get back to the roots of community. Our passion lies in advocating for safety and inclusion within the industry. This film will not only aim to educate those within the beer industry but will appeal to and inform beer consumers, feminists, and anyone who is passionate about equality and representation in spaces where it is currently lacking. The film will draw an eye to the dark side of the industry, in hopes that consumer demand for representation and safety will further the movement. We plan to get funding through a Production Assistance Program offered by a nonprofit called Women Make Movies (WMM). WMM helps elevate diverse women directors and producers, improving equity in the film industry. They are the largest distributor of films by and about women in the world. The program supports hundreds of independent filmmakers each year. Our goal is that this film is screened not only nationally, but worldwide. Because the problem of inclusivity is not exclusive to the US beer community. This is where we ask for your help. In order to be in consideration for the Production Assistance Program we must show that there is interest in the film, and therefore have a small amount of private funding. It is essential to the future of the beer industry that we succeed in making this film.

Any favorite brews or other beverages you enjoy? Breweries or bars that are your favorite that you’d like to share?

Dabbling in sober curiosity I’ve re-discovered my love for sodas! Breweries I absolutely love that I do not think I get enough love are Parloux Beer Lab in New Orleans, LA, Good Word Brewing in Duluth, GA, and Bookhouse Brewing in Cleveland, OH.

Learn more and connect by going to @WomenInventedBeer on Instagram and