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Accepting Applications for Spring 2025 Creators in Bev Grant Program

 Women of the Bevolution and Beer is for Everyone have teamed up to launch a grant program for women and non-binary entrepreneurs, digital creators, brewers, and homebrewers who identify as underrepresented or underserved members including, but not limited to, BIWOC and LGBTQIA+ of the craft beverage community who are looking for guidance on creating content, developing a brand or releasing a product.

Why these programs are important: Less than 3% of breweries are owned solely by women. In the hospitality industry, women are 51.2% of the workforce, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The alcohol/beverage industry is predominantly male-owned and operated.

In order to increase representation, there have to be more resources, funding, and support for women and non-binary beverage industry professionals and creators within the space. We hope through these grant programs we can help change those stats.

The Impact

Over $23,000 in financial support and over 30 hours in mentorship has been provided to 18 women & non-binary beverage industry professionals through the Bevolution Creators in Bev Grant (collab with Beer is for Everyone) and the Creator Launchpad Grant (collab with Beer Kulture) since the spring of 2022.

Bevolution Creators in Bev Grant FAQs

  • Bevolution Creators in Bev Grant is a quarterly program that requires an application to be filled out which asks questions about work experience and goals within the beverage industry. Subscribe or follow along on Instagram for announcements.

  • We could always use more mentors of to provide their expertise to our grant recipients. If you are interested, apply here.

    As a social enterprise, we depend on donations to keep our programs going! If you would like to host a fundraiser or have an event collaboration idea, reach out to us at

  • Thank you for considering us! You can donate directly to the Women of the Bevolution Paypal here or if you prefer a tax deductible donation, you can donate directly to our nonprofit collaborator Beer is for Everyone, a 501(c)(c) nonprofit organization and designate it’s for the Creators in Bev Grant Program.

Stay up to date on our grant announcements!

“Every conversation we’ve had with grantees has been inspiring and a reminder of how important this program is and how important it is to expand it. I think by hearing from the grantees directly about their goals, ideas, and the hurdles they’ve encountered in this industry, has really helped us to figure out what needs to happen to further support them and help them accomplish these goals.”

— Ash Eliot, Founder, Women of the Bevolution


Apply now through January 2, 2024

We are providing three grants which include: 

  • $400 stipend 

  • 1-hour webinar on the key elements of beer serving, styles, and tasting with LaTreace Harris, Beer Education Consultant and Founder of  @TheBeeryGodmother

  • 1-hour marketing and content strategy consult by Ash Eliot (Founder of Women of the Bevolution),  Lindsay Malu Kido (Founder of Beer is for Everyone), and Katherine Corr (Marketing Coordinator at IGNITE Worldwide)

  • Each grantee will also be spotlighted across Women of the Bevolution and Beer is for Everyone’s channels.